I just want to say that you make a good debate but think of it. Kids like me have the right to participate in annual tournaments. Sure, they're going to have separate tournaments for the professor program but I'll try to sugarcoat this : the professor program sucks. I don't mind teaching other people how to play the game but most of the joy I get is when I'm in a tournament. Also, if somebody is going to play the tcg, they usually don't have to be taught. I was really looking forward to this year because I thought I could go into a large tournament but I guess I'll never be able to. I don't find that fair. Some people might like to educate others about the game and don't get me wrong I do (i taught my sister and 3 of my friends) but don't you think we should have the right to play in any kind of tournament? Just because we're older than the other kids doesn't mean they're at a disadvantage in any way. Most kids I know are on the same skill level. On the other argument, why does wizards of the coast publish cards that have beyond broken attacks? If they won't let us use them at our leisure, what's the point of making them? Email or reply to this message if you agree (power to the people) Jessica Montgomery jestertrixter125@aol.com